Using Clean Architecture methodology.

Data will either be from automated scrapes or input manually.


  • /sources/index show all sources (both scrapable and manual)
  • /sources/{id} show details of a particular source including all scrapes performed against scrapable sources
  • /sources/edit/{id} edit a source
  • /sources/create create a new source
  • /scrapes/index show all scrapes
  • /scrapes/{id} show details of a particular scrape including all records found
  • /surnames/index show all surnames with records
  • /surnames/{value} show details of a particular surname



  • IPerformScrapeCommand scrape the specified site for any records with the specified surname and store
  • ICalculateChangesFromLastScrapeCommand compare results from last scrape to second to last scrape (if available) and get changes


  • IGetSourcesQuery get all the different sources e.g. FreeBmdBirths, FreeBmdDeaths, GroBirths, GroMarriages
  • IGetScrapesQuery get all scrapes independent of source or surname
  • IGetScrapesBySourceQuery get all scrapes performed against a particular source
  • IGetItemsByScrapeQuery get all items from a particular scrape
  • IGetPeopleBySurnameQuery get all people as merged from the sources for a particular surname
  • IGet



Likely to contain different services for connecting to different sites in order to scrape records from that site

  • FreeBmdService
  • GroService
  • AncestryService




ManualEntryItems Id - generated unique id (mandatory) SourceId - foreign Key to Sources table (mandatory) UniqueRecordId - a unique identifier as recognised by this particular source (mandatory) Surname - the surname of the record (mandatory) Forenames - the forenames of the record (optional) FactOrEvent - either Fact OR Event (optional) FactOrEventType - e.g. Birth, Death, Census (optional) FactOrEventDate FactOrEventLocation Data - full data from the source, key value pair

ScrapeItems Id - generated unique id (mandatory) ScrapeId - foreign key to Scrapes table (mandatory) UniqueRecordId - a unique identifier as recognised by this particular source (mandatory) Surname - the surname of the record (mandatory) Forenames - the forenames of the record (optional) FactOrEvent - either Fact OR Event (optional) FactOrEventType - e.g. Birth, Death, Census (optional) FactOrEventDate - date string (optional) FactOrEventLocation - location string (optional) Data - full data from the source, key value pair JSON

Scrapes Id - generated unique id (mandatory) SourceId - foreign key to Sources table (mandatory) Surname - the surname used to perform the scrape (mandatory) StartedAt - datetime the scrape was started FinishedAt - datetime the scrape finished TimeTaken - calculated NumberOfRecordsScraped - calculated

Sources Id - generated unique id (mandatory) Name - short name of the source e.g. FreeBmdBirths, InterviewWithSylvia Description - description of the source including base URL if relevant