Using Clean Architecture methodology.
Data will either be from automated scrapes or input manually.
show all sources (both scrapable and manual)/sources/{id}
show details of a particular source including all scrapes performed against scrapable sources/sources/edit/{id}
edit a source/sources/create
create a new source/scrapes/index
show all scrapes/scrapes/{id}
show details of a particular scrape including all records found/surnames/index
show all surnames with records/surnames/{value}
show details of a particular surname
scrape the specified site for any records with the specified surname and storeICalculateChangesFromLastScrapeCommand
compare results from last scrape to second to last scrape (if available) and get changes
get all the different sources e.g. FreeBmdBirths, FreeBmdDeaths, GroBirths, GroMarriagesIGetScrapesQuery
get all scrapes independent of source or surnameIGetScrapesBySourceQuery
get all scrapes performed against a particular sourceIGetItemsByScrapeQuery
get all items from a particular scrapeIGetPeopleBySurnameQuery
get all people as merged from the sources for a particular surnameIGet
Likely to contain different services for connecting to different sites in order to scrape records from that site
ManualEntryItems Id - generated unique id (mandatory) SourceId - foreign Key to Sources table (mandatory) UniqueRecordId - a unique identifier as recognised by this particular source (mandatory) Surname - the surname of the record (mandatory) Forenames - the forenames of the record (optional) FactOrEvent - either Fact OR Event (optional) FactOrEventType - e.g. Birth, Death, Census (optional) FactOrEventDate FactOrEventLocation Data - full data from the source, key value pair
ScrapeItems Id - generated unique id (mandatory) ScrapeId - foreign key to Scrapes table (mandatory) UniqueRecordId - a unique identifier as recognised by this particular source (mandatory) Surname - the surname of the record (mandatory) Forenames - the forenames of the record (optional) FactOrEvent - either Fact OR Event (optional) FactOrEventType - e.g. Birth, Death, Census (optional) FactOrEventDate - date string (optional) FactOrEventLocation - location string (optional) Data - full data from the source, key value pair JSON
Scrapes Id - generated unique id (mandatory) SourceId - foreign key to Sources table (mandatory) Surname - the surname used to perform the scrape (mandatory) StartedAt - datetime the scrape was started FinishedAt - datetime the scrape finished TimeTaken - calculated NumberOfRecordsScraped - calculated
Sources Id - generated unique id (mandatory) Name - short name of the source e.g. FreeBmdBirths, InterviewWithSylvia Description - description of the source including base URL if relevant